- Continuing the research for confirmation of the device that will be use.
- Try to find the circuit using Alduino and PIC Microcontroller.
- I already got the sample circuit of PIC Microcontroller which is connected with GSM System but it seems a little bit complicated.
- I am considering to use Alduino to replace PIC for an easy software process but having the problem in creating a circuit using it.
- Since i was started a little bit late for the project, fortunately i already prepare with a similar PIC program using Winpic800 for my project. But it doesn't be test yet since i don't have the Winpic800 software.
- After having a discussion with a few friends, i was been adviced to proceed with PIC 16F877A than Alduino because i've already have the basic in C program and the complete circuit using PIC.
- I'm still looking for C program because until now I'm failed to download the Winpic800 software.
hi I wonder if u can share ur circuit pic pls